Interfaith Dialogue and Löhe Memorial Library

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Trevor Schaefer


The proposition at the heart of monotheism is not what it has often been taken to be: one God, therefore one path to salvation. To the contrary, it is that unity is worshipped in diversity. The glory of the created world is its astonishing multiplicity: the thousands of different languages spoken by mankind, the proliferation of cultures, the sheer variety of the imaginative expressions of the human spirit, in most of which, if we listen carefully, we will hear the voice of wisdom telling us something we need to know. That is what I mean by the dignity of difference.

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Author Biography

Trevor Schaefer

Trevor Schaefer  has been Serials and Lending librarian at the Lohe Memorial Library, Australian Lutheran College, Adelaide since 1997. Prior to this, he was Vicar at the Port Adelaide Lutheran Parish and a Chaplain at the University of South Australia, Magill. Trevor published his first book A Light on the Hill: Brougham Place Uniting Church 1859-2009 in 2009. Trevor and his wife Dianne visited Israel before they were married—in fact, Trevor proposed to Dianne just outside the walls of Jerusalem. Then, during his theological studies, Trevor studied Hebrew and this fostered his interest in dialogue between Christians and Jews.