Librarians Never Retire!

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Lynn Pryor

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Author Biography

Lynn Pryor

Lynn Pryor is from Melbourne. She has been engaged by SPATS as a Library Consultant. Her task is to analyse services in SPATS member libraries in the South Pacific region and to recommend ways of working together for the benefit of all theological education across the region. Lynn is not new to Fiji. She lived in Suva with her family over 30 years ago, when her (then) husband taught at PTC. Over the few years following their return to Australia, she studied and gained a Bachelor of Theology, then trained to be a professional librarian. She has subsequently worked in theological libraries in Melbourne over 25 years. Since retiring at the end of 2008 she has been voluntarily assisting libraries in various parts of the world - Egypt, Darwin, Tanzania, Burma – now in the Pacific region. She has been a Christian since her teenage years serving God in various ways and is enjoying the challenge of obeying God's call to serve him wherever he wants to send her.