The End of an Era: Sixteen Years of the Adelaide Theological Library

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Wendy Davis


Presented at the End of an Era dinner held 12th November, 2013 at the Glenelg Golf Club. The dinner marks the departure of Catholic Theological College from the Adelaide College of Divinity. Catholic Theological College ceases to exist from 2014. Catholic postgraduate students will continue their studies through the Australian Catholic University, and most staff of CTC will become part of the ACU faculty.

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Author Biography

Wendy Davis

Wendy Davis has been part of the theological library scene in Adelaide since 1981 when she began work at Lohe Memorial Library. She has worked with Adelaide College of Divinity Libraries since 1984—firstly at St. Barnabas College and from 1993, at St Francis Xavier Seminary Library as well. In October 1997, she became Associate Librarian at the new Adelaide Theological Library, a position she still enjoys. Wendy is a long time ANZTLA member, a past president, ARI indexer and Secretary (for the second time around). When Val Canty was ANZTLA newsletter editor, Wendy was her unofficial assistant and proof reader.