Interest Group Reports
Collection Evaluation & Development
Members Present
- Craig Kubic, Chair, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Daniel Baek, Vancouver School of Theology
- W (Wynette) Field, William Booth College, London
- Ellen Frost, Perkins School of Theology, SMU
- Stephanie Garrett, Catholic Distance University
- Caitlin Soma, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
- Andy Thomas, Covenant Theological Seminary
- Lee Webb, Saint Paul School of Theology, Oklahoma City University
- Jean Wu, China Evangelical Seminary North America
The Collection Evaluation and Development Interest Group held an initial in-person meeting in Baltimore on June 17th over breakfast; during this meeting, the group began the conversation of whether the group should continue to meet. Those present decided to defer the topic to the larger virtual meeting the following week.
The Collection Evaluation and Development IG met again on June 23. Craig Kubic broached the topic of the sustainability of the interest group; he stated that if the group was to continue, we should plan a program for the 2023 conference. He also said in his current role at his library, he needs to step down from the chair position of the interest group.
Ellen Frost mentioned a presentation by Dr. Bridget Green (editor for Westminster John Knox) at the SWATLA Regional Group spring meeting. She described Dr. Green’s talk, including WJK’s retrospective approach to making ebooks available for libraries. The group discussed the possibility of hosting a panel of editors or representatives from church presses. Ideas included:
- Representatives could help us understanding processes and pricing models.
- Representatives who aren’t making their materials available electronically could help us understand their reasoning.
- This could help religious and theological libraries help drive the narrative for ebooks.
- This could help us explain to publishers how the difference between Kindle versus simultaneous perpetual access, particularly books that are searchable, impacts the libraries.
- This could allow us to give voice to our questions such as why Yale would give Bloomsbury the ability to publish Anchor Bible online.
Possible presses to approach included Westminster John Knox, Abingdon, Augsburg Fortress, and Liturgical Press. There may be others that interest us.
Another possible topic for future conferences or futures webinars is Multilingual Collection. Dr. Kubic mentioned that the CEAD IG has sponsored one online webinar through Atla; this is another possibility open to the group.
Dr. Kubic then asked for volunteers for a newly formed steering committee. These members are:
- Lee Webb
- Caitlin Soma
- Ellen Frost
- Craig Kubic
Round Robin Reports
Vancouver School of Theology, University of British Columbia – instituted reciprocal borrowing; they are serving three mainline denominations as well as distance students; Baek expressed willingness to help with Korean-language materials.
William Booth College, London – interested in receiving copies of other institutions’ collection development policies; hosting an online conference on July 5th; expressed a need for Czech materials.
Saint Paul School of Theology – campus is increasing the number of remote students, so the library is faced with providing access to more materials.
Covenant Theological Seminary – new collection development librarian trying to update collection development policy regarding what to purchase in print versus e-book; also reviewing subscriptions and software provided; have started providing controlled digital lending.
Chinese Evangelical Seminary – library needs more materials more books in English and Chinese; providing controlled digital lending.
Candler School of Theology, Emory University – Soma handles all collections that are not considered special collections, supervises circulation and course reserves.
Catholic Distance University – provides resources electronic, but sometimes print (tactile) makes a difference for students.
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary – hosting 2023 conference, library services changing; providing digital access to items that are SWBTS imprints.
Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University – neighboring city to 2023 hosted conference; library faced with several retirements this year; trying to provide electronic access to as much as possible due to increasing number of distance students.
Several people mentioned that they are creating or updating collection development policies and are interested in reading other seminary libraries’ policies. If you are willing to share your policy, please share with and
If others are interested in sharing or receiving collection development policies, please post a message to the CEAD listserv If individuals are not receiving emails from the listserv, please contact Atla staff at