Technical Services

Members Present

  • Michael Bradford
  • Leslie Engelson, Murray State University
  • Ellen Frost, Bridwell Library, Southern Methodist University
  • Becky Givens, Covenant Theological Seminary
  • Heather Hicks, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Andrew Kosmowski, North American Center for Marianist Studies
  • Richard Lammert, Concordia Theological Seminary
  • Brinna Michael, Pitts Theology Library, Emory University
  • Seth Miskimins, Bridwell Library, Southern Methodist University
  • Denise Pakala, Librarian Emeritus, Covenant Theological Seminary
  • Armin Siedlecki, Pitts Theology Library, Emory University
  • Christa Strickler, Wheaton College
  • Christina Torbert, University of Mississippi

Round Robin Reports

TCB: Technical Services in Religion & Theology – Reported by Christa Strickler. Christa Strickler is the editor in chief, with Anna Appleman and Brinna Michael serving as section editors. The title changed in January to reflect that cataloging is only one part of technical services. The Testimony section is now called “Perspectives & Practices.” TCB needs more Atla members to write for it. As TCB is not peer reviewed, this may entice more members to write for it.

CC:DA Liaison – Reported by Richard Lammert. There were no meetings of the ALA CC:DA committee during the past year. The liaison serves to ensure a theological cataloging voice is present on the current. The current liaison is Donna Wells; she will need to be replaced (due to retirement) if the committee continues meeting after July 2022.

Atla Funnels (NACO/CONSER/SACO) – Reported by Richard Lammert. Atla catalogers contributed almost 1100 name authority records (NACO), more than 800 serial records (CONSER), and 9 subject records (SACO) during the last fiscal year. To date, the numbers are slightly more than six hundred (NACO), five (CONSER), and thirteen (SACO). The drastic decrease in CONSER numbers is due to the moving of the sole cataloger involved in the CONSER funnel to a new position, resulting in the loss of that particular funnel. Although the numbers for NACO are quite good, the number of institutions involved has declined by one during each of the last two years, down to seven this year. The Atla Funnels Coordinator will work with the Professional Development Committee to present a webinar that will highlight some of the needs. Atla will also need a new Funnels Coordinator by the end of summer 2023.


The steering committee has need of two new members to replace two members who have completed their two three-year terms. However, there were no nominations to present to the meeting, nor nominations made from the floor. The steering committee will continue to look for persons to serve as committee members.

A suggestion for the next Atla Annual was made to find a local librarian to present on the technical services needs of a special collection or of a theological collection, or both.