World Religions

Members Present

  • Beth Kumar, Graduate Theological Union
  • Karla Grafton, Hartford International University for Religion and Peace
  • Alexander Justice, Loyola Marymount University
  • W. Field, William Booth College, UK
  • Ellen Frost, Bridwell Library, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University
  • Royal Montgomery, Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine
  • Alexis Weiss, Atla Staff Liaison

Absentee Members

  • Karen Adjei, University of Colorado
  • Megan Welsh, University of Colorado
  • Patrick Milas, New Brunswick Theological Seminary
  • Yasmine Abou-El-Kheir, Chicago Theological Seminary
  • Judy Clarence, Global Ministries University
  • Daniel Baek, Vancouver School of Theology


  1. Discuss the future of the Interest Group
  2. Call for volunteers
  3. Year in Review
  4. New Business /thoughts for the future

Year in Review

WRIG has not met since the last business meeting. Due to a lack of officers, WRIG contributed neither programming nor publication this year.


The future of the Interest Group was discussed in light of the previous year. All members agreed that work should be done to increase the efforts of the group in order to maintain the required standards for IGs.

There was a call for volunteers to fill our empty officer spaces. Alexander Justice and Royal Montgomery have offered to serve as co-chairs for 2023-2024. The voting of those present confirmed these positions.

New business looked at offerings that the group could make in the following year. Alexander Justice is in Los Angeles, so will be local for the 2024 Annual. He will work with Royal to plan a session and/or local outing for the 2024 Atla Annual in Long Beach.