Public Services

Members Present

  • Patsy Yang, Gateway Seminary
  • Alexander Justice, Loyola-Marymount University
  • David Schmersal, Wright Learning and Information Center, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary


  1. Welcome new members and briefly describe the nature and scope of the Interest Group
  2. Debrief 2023 Atla annual conference, specifically the session sponsored by PSIG
  3. Propose and discuss ideas for a session at the 2024 Atla Annual Conference
    1. AI/ChatGPT and its potential and actual implications for theological schools and libraries
  4. Creative ways to refresh orientation, e.g., a scavenger hunt
  5. Check-in/round-robin
    1. Anything new?
    2. Something you are looking forward to
  6. New officers?

Year in Review

Members of the PSIG planned and sponsored a session offered as a panel presentation at the 2023 Atla Annual Conference: The session was: “What About the Aqueduct? Or, Does decolonizing the library mean deaccessioning Augustine?” Presented by Yesan Sellan, Kris Veldheer, David Schmersal, and Daniel Smith.

There was also some discussion of our custodianship of Atla’s Websites on Religion Libguide:

Round Robin Reports

Gateway Seminary – Patsy shared some staffing changes and their effect on workload.

Loyola-Marymount University – Alexander is new to the field of theological librarianship, taking a more specialized role at the university where he has served as a reference librarian (and of which he is an alumnus).


Our small group enjoyed a lively discussion on topics ranging from print vs. e-book selection to curriculum development to challenges we have seen our students facing. We also noted that the 2024 conference will be much more convenient for the majority of those present, who are based in California.