Presbyterian and Reformed

Members Present

  • David Schmersal, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
  • John Vinke, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
  • Becky Givens, Covenant Theological Seminary
  • Jim Pakala, retired, Covenant Theological Seminary
  • Allison Graham, Princeton Theological Seminary
  • Virginia Dearborn, Princeton Theological Seminary
  • Robin McCall, Union Presbyterian Seminary (moderator)

I. Agenda

Robin welcomed everyone to the virtual meeting and offered to serve another year as the moderator of the group unless anyone else wanted to step into the role. As no one else wished to become moderator at this time, Robin began the meeting. She invited attendees to share introductions, memorials for anyone who may have passed since we last met, and other library news and institutional updates. First-time denominational group attendees were Allison Graham and John Vinke.

The main topics of conversation at this year’s meeting were reflections on this year’s Atla Annual in Long Beach (and Zoom), and articulation of purpose and succession planning for our group. There was some overlap between these, as Dr. Patrick Milas from New Brunswick Theological Seminary led a panel discussion about the history and function of the denominational groups in the association at this year’s conference. How might we steward denominational resources and also encourage participation in this group? We could use the Presbyterian and Reformed Atla listserv to include more people and additional institutions. Robin will also reach out to the Presbyterian seminaries who have not been represented in the group in the recent past. John shared that the panel discussion itself inspired him to attend the group’s meeting for the first time this year.

In addition to Robin’s participation in the denominational group panel, David held a session about those tasks in public services librarianship that seem to fall outside “other duties as assigned,” as well as a panel presentation about AI and theological education, in which Allison co-presented. Jim reflected on Karl Stutzman’s presentation about making the case for print collections.

In the reports below, retirements, absorption of responsibilities by remaining staff, and new (within the last few years) institutional leadership were the common themes.

II. Round Robin Reports

Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Austin, Texas, USA) – David Schmersal, Access and Instruction Librarian, and John Vinke, Assistant Director, Library and Learning Services, shared that President José R. Irizarry was called to be Austin Seminary’s tenth president on June 27, 2022, and inaugurated on March 31, 2023, and the Rev. Dr. Margaret Aymer is now the Vice-president for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty, The First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport, D. Thomason Professor of New Testament Studies. The Rev. Dr. Timothy Lincoln has retired and been named Director of the Library and Research Professor in Theological Education Emeritus. Kristy Sorensen has become the new library director (official title: Associate Dean, Library and Learning Services), and Rev. Alan Constant has joined the library staff at ¼ time. All library staff are absorbing added responsibilities.

Covenant Theological Seminary (Creve Coeur, Missouri, USA) – Becky Givens, Technical Services Librarian, reported that Covenant (along with all 62 MOBIUS libraries) are moving from Sierra to FOLIO. Migration is currently in progress. Also, Mark Green has joined the library as the Public Services Librarian. Jim (and Denise) Pakala are staying active in local church work, Bible studies, and other activities. It was great to see Jim in the (Zoom) room.

Princeton Theological Seminary, Wright Library (Princeton, New Jersey, USA) – Virginia Dearborn, Discovery and Web Services Librarian, reported that since our last gathering the library has welcomed Allison Graham as Research and Reference Librarian, and has two open positions—Circulation Supervisor (for evenings and weekends) and Head of Circulation Services—and is excited to have launched its new website on June 11, 2024, following an 18-month institution-wide website redesign and development process. Dennis T. Olson, the Charles T. Haley Professor of Old Testament Theology, is retiring after 37 years, and Dr. Clifton Black, Otto A. Piper Professor of Biblical Theology, is retiring this month after 25 years, at Princeton Seminary. Dr. Shalon Park and Mélena Laudig will join the faculty in 2025 as Assistant Professor of Asian Christianity and Assistant Professor of African American Christianity, respectively. Dr. Hanna Reichel has been promoted to Full Professor and appointed to the Charles Hodge Chair of Systematic Theology, and another faculty promotion will be announced soon.

Union Presbyterian Seminary (Richmond, Virginia, USA) – Robin McCall, Seminary Librarian, offered a remembrance of Dr. Samuel E. Balentine, scholar and long-time Professor of Old Testament and Director of Graduate Studies, who passed away last week, and remembered Dr. Mary Anne Fowlkes, Professor Emerita of Childhood Education. She also reported that Dr. Mengistu Lemma, previously the interlibrary loan coordinator, has become the Reference & Interlibrary Loan Librarian in Richmond. The search for an instructional designer and director of the Charlotte campus library is currently on hold. Union is moving from Blackboard to Canvas.