Small Libraries
Members Present
- Elli Cucksey, Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University, Chair
- John Dechant, Meadville Lombard Theological School
- Stephanie Garrett, Catholic International University
- Karla Grafton, Hartford International University for Religion and Peace
- Stephen Sweeney, St. John Vianney Seminary
- Vance Thomas, University of Dubuque
- Call to order
- Officer introduction (succession planning)
- Group introductions
- Old business
- New business
- Conference reflections
- Ideas for future conference sessions
- Discussion of challenges/burning issues
- Adjourn
Introductions were made, and Vance explained his need to step down as chair that arose from him accepting a seat on the board. Elli accepted the position of chair and asked for a volunteer for vice chair. The job of the vice chair is primarily to attend meetings, take notes if there is not a secretary elected or present, and be willing to be the next chair. Stephanie Garrett accepted this responsibility.
Further discussions centered around how small the group had become and whether that might be an artifact of these meetings being held online. It is accepted that the idea of holding them online is to allow participation by more than those who are attending the conference in person, but that does not seem to be the result. It was suggested, and the group agreed, that an in-person gathering should be held at the conference next year for those in attendance. While that cannot be our official business gathering, it might renew connections, encourage socializing among members, draw newer members to our group, and strengthen existing relationships.
Discussions of possible conference sessions for our group to propose, or that we wish to see, included library management with limited staffing; and A.I., specifically how to use it well.
Our discussion of current challenges in our libraries focused on the challenges of being reactionary to everything and not being able to grasp proactive actions due to the “tyranny of the urgent.” There was also a conversation about the feasibility and practices of mailing books to patrons.
The group agreed to meet again in October to further discuss possible conference sessions before submission deadlines, and to plan a possible Wednesday meet-up for the Pittsburgh conference in 2025.