Members Present
- Wes Custer – Asbury Theological Seminary
- Ellen Frost – Southern Methodist Seminary, Bridwell Library
I. Agenda
- Project Updates
- Thoughts for future projects
- Volunteers for service
II. Project Updates
The Wesley’s Works project at Emory University is ongoing. Andrew Keck is the point person.
The World Methodist Museum collections were moved to the Bridwell Library, which received a grant to study the collection.
III. Future Projects
Digitization project again
- Newsletters/leaflets from the 60s and 70s.
- Create a document of Title data and what we each have (Google form)
- Complete sets of Methodist publications
- Potentially use this:
IV. Action items for the projects
- Email list with the idea and ask for interest with the grant information in the email
- Ellen will follow up with this.
- Send out an e-vote for positions
- Lee Webb has volunteered to serve as the chair for the coming year. Ellen Frost will serve as the vice chair.