World Religions
Alexander Justice, Loyola Marymount University, Convener / Secretary
Members Present
- Winette Field, William Booth College
- Ellen Frost, Perkins School of Theology
- Karla Grafton, Hartford International University
- Alexander Justice, Loyola Marymount University
- Old Business – none
- New Business
- Plan programming to fulfill Aims
- Consensus formed to plan a field trip and a panel at Atla 2025 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- Ellen will reach out to 2025 local host Michelle Spomer for help with proposal.
- Group brainstormed possible sites: mosque, Buddhist center. Distance to suburban sites would present difficulty.
- Additional brainstorming noted historically important synagogue and community Rodef Shalom.
- Further conversation suggested panel on ecumenism in Pittsburgh, especially the ecumenical response to the tragic attack on Tree of Life synagogue.
- Planning will continue on listserv.
- Update the WRIG LibGuide
- Technically owned by PSIG, so need to coordinate with David Schmersal
- Karla is updating the DEI LibGuide, so WRIG could also provide input .
- Alexander will call for input via listserv.