Christian Librarians and the Ethics of the Library Bill of Rights

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Scott Kaihoi


This study is the follow up to a pilot study entitled “Christian Librarians and the Library Bill of Rights: a survey of opinions and professional practice” published in the Spring 2014 issue of The Christian Librarian.  Using an online survey, it sought to discover how librarians working in a variety of contexts who self-identified as Christians responded to the ALA’s ethical standards as embodied in the Library Bill of Rights.  The results showed general support for the Library Bill of Rights and its ethics, though a majority of respondents had at least some way in which they adhered to the Library Bill of Rights less than fully, and a significant minority (around 40%) had areas in which they differed with its ethics, usually in the form of feeling that certain types of content (e.g., pornography, harmful materials, etc.) could or should be limited.  The responses in this survey would seem to support the notion that many Christian librarians do sometimes perceive a need to place the value of defending what they perceive to be true and right above the call to remain professionally impartial about certain kinds of content.

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Peer-Reviewed Articles
Author Biography

Scott Kaihoi, Bethel University (MN - employer) University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (MLIS student)

Scott works for the Reference and Instruction department of the Bethel University Library in St. Paul, MN, and is nearly finished with his MLIS (expected spring 2015).