A Word from the Editor

Welcome to the spring issue of Theological Librarianship (TL). For many of us, by the time this issue is published, the end of the spring term and graduation will be near, and, for many, graduation marks the beginning of a new phase: summer is near, and various cycles of projects, professional development opportunities, and rest are often intermingled in summer schedules. Part of the purpose of this time of year is to prepare ourselves for the pace of an upcoming academic year, incoming students, and the accompanying challenges and opportunities we have learned to embrace. Our hope as an editorial team is that the content of TL strongly supports your efforts to grow and flourish in your professional context, preparing you for another academic year.

Many librarians understand the importance of growth—in numerous contexts. We must embrace the fluctuations around us, while standing firm on our confessions and timeless truths. I hope the essay and the reviews in this issue play influential roles in your professional flourishing.

Soli Deo gloria,

Garrett B. Trott

Editor-in-Chief, Theological Librarianship